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Artsy Magazine

Dex Experience is an independent pop artist and songwriter based in New York City. Born in Trinidad and Tobago, he was raised in the Big Apple where he discovered the truth of his voice at a very young age. Dex may be a pop artist, but also dives into inspiration from the dance world and seamlessly entwines the two for a sound that is inherently his own.

Dex came up in, and found success in the beauty industry/space, but always wanted to follow his passion for song. He surprised the industry with his first hit single, “Internash”, which debuted on Billboard Music’s Top-50 Dance Club Single Chart in 2017. In 2019, Dex released “Don’t Underestimate Me”, a power ballad featuring Dawn Tallman, the chart-topping Queen of Gospel Energy. Most recently, Dex released his empowering single  “A New Day” with support from the likes of iHeartRadio, KTLA, YouTube’s Celebrating Pride playlist, and The Backstreet Boys’ AJ McLean.

Once considered an outcast, Dex is now following his soul’s intentions and living his destiny as a proud, gay, black creator. With the aim to inspire and empower humans to live life as it was intended to be, free and without fear. His single (and video!) for “Casanova”, inspires listeners to strut their true, unapologetic self on the dance floor, whatever that may look like. With this wildly fabulous music video for the single, Dex shows us who he is, from Casanova to the reveal of his drag-inspired alter-ego Naomi, a fabulous other self.

After years and years of treading life on the hamster wheel, weary and hopelessly confused, repeating the same steps over and over, eventually feeling like a science project gone wrong, it was time to break free and discover some truths of my existence. Like, Who am I?

“Casanova is the reclamation of my creative power from an expanded level of consciousness.”


Metaphorically, the song is about falling in love with your true authentic self—Source energy. When you believe it, you see it. Today, I follow a set of core beliefs that say I am who I say I am. I'm not to be defined by people, places, things, time, nor space. I am one of a kind, custom-made, extraordinary. I’m source energy, unconditioned, pure, perfect, and exceptional in every way. I am love. And this is the essence of Casanova.I've learned that if you can't see or feel love from yourself, it is impossible to feel it from anywhere or anyone else. It's you and only you that exists. Everything is you.