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7 Reasons To Stop Grinding

Cover Photo by Prateek Katyal on Unsplash

In the age of social media, everyone's pressured to capture millions of views, likes, and follows aimed at scaling their social proof status far and beyond reality. We want to look and appear as fabulous as we can – to the point of using too much filter and photo enhancements to paint a life of wealth, beauty, and happiness.

Be Yourself

The sad thing about growing up is that we lose our unconditioned self. In Zen Buddhism, an unconditioned self puts on an Original Face – one without a mask, no pretense, no effort to create a particular image, no attempt to seem lovable. Yet as we move through life, society's belief systems condition upon us expectations that force us to detach from our unconditioned selves.

Photo by camilo jimenez on Unsplash

People don't realize that they can have real superpower if they embrace their true selves and allow themselves to live life without being tethered to societal expectations. No skin suit is better than the one we were born with from the start. Stop trying to find a different one. No amount of pretense will allow you to become a full human being.

Enough. Enough with grinding so hard for the world to like or adore us. Enough with pretending to be flawless, fabulous, or glamorous in the hopes that we become famous or relevant to the world. The truth is, there is no way you can please everyone.



Photo by Alvaro Marquez on Unsplash

  • The truth is the world wants you to be you. The expectation that we need to be perfect to be loved by the world is a made-up concept. Yes, there are standards on how to think and behave, but it is ultimately up to us if we allow such pressures to change who we are. Know yourself better.

  • "Be yourself; others are already taken." These are wise words from Oscar Wilde. We came into this world as our original selves. We should also grow not as replicas of others, but our authentic selves. Only then will we form genuine relationships with others.

  • You live with your own choices. The truth about life is that we are accountable for our actions. Instead of making others decide for us, we need to choose for ourselves based on what will help us grow.

  • Be the director of your life's journey. Every choice made leads up to roads you wouldn't expect. Life's journey path has good and bad opportunities, tests, struggles, and even heartbreak. If we are more self-aware and determined to command our experience, we can surmount obstacles along the journey.

  • Love yourself first. If you get to know yourself a little better, you'll realize how precious you are. Reward yourself. Reflect on who you are. Don't be afraid to invest in your personal growth and development.

  • You are always worth it. If you have the urge to please others so that they value you, stop. Remember that your value is not measured by how. Know you are worth it and walk away from those who don't see your value.

  • Remember who you are. You're not only matter walking through time and space; you are a being of divine creation. Gifted with this awareness, you will learn to create space where you can tap into your unlimited potential and be your true self.

Even if people around you keep trying to change you, stay true to yourself. You must pay less attention to who you are to others and more about who you are to yourself. Keep living your truth. 

Be you. do you. live you.